June 2021
Hi wonderful class member
Just to give an update on my surgery and classes back! I’m pleased to report that I’ve had the surgery and my consultant is confident I will be pleased with the results. I am 2 weeks post op, so still in the very painful-what-on-earth-have-I-done stage, and particularly so at night. I am following all advice re physio, rest and icing (hence it’s been too hot for me to sit in the garden and enjoy the weather!) but although I’m told I’m doing well, I feel frustrated that I’m not as far ahead with my recovery as I was with my first knee replacement. But I will get there, so bear with pls!!
In the meantime, any homework you can do, especially if you downloaded any of my Zoom recordings, will be brilliant. Or keep active outside in this beautiful weather (not in the midday heat!). Or just spend 10 minutes a day doing some of my stretches.
When suitably recovered and pain free, I will resume my classes on Zoom initially, and then finally some face to face, but I think those hall classes will be later in the summer.
I’ll continue to keep my website updated, and if you have any queries in the meantime re classes or homework, pls don’t hesitate to contact me.
And thank you for your patience – I will be back!!! 😊.